Tornjak is gentle and emotional with family members. It can also be sociable and tolerant with strangers, if it’s socialized in a right way, started as young puppy. Well socialized Tornjak will let unknown kid to hang around its neck. However, they are also large, powerful, territorial, self-confident, and to some extent independent dogs that become curious and defensive if something unusual is happening around their territory. They may even become offensive, if the severity of the situation requires such reaction. Because of all this characteristics, Tornjak is considered the best choice for keeping herds, especially in areas where there is a risk of wild canines and other predators. If they come up as classic urban pets, potential owners need to know that the Tornjak has innate guarding instincts. Be careful with strangers in your back-yard!

Tornjak M-litter with mummy
Tornjak M-litter with mummy